About us


Who is Father Fish: 

Who is Father Fish? Father Fish, also known as Louis Foxwell, is a seasoned fish keeper with 70 years of experience. His simple, easy, and guaranteed methods ensure healthy, happy tropical fish in your aquarium. Louis adopted the role of Father Fish many years ago when he opened a tropical fish store as a retirement business. Prior to this, he served as a missionary for 25 years, following in his father's footsteps by ministering to a congregation of deaf worshipers. Louis fondly recalls his grandmother in Berlin, Germany, who inspired his love for fish keeping as a child. As a founder and original board member of the National Aquarium, Louis played a significant role in its development, serving as chair of the Community Relations Committee and participating in the Search Committees. With extensive experience across nearly every level of the fish industry, Father Fish offers a wealth of knowledge and products, including plants, soil supplements, and more, to enhance your aquarium experience.


Check out the video of Father Fish's life on Youtube The Life of a Fish Man.