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Father Fish Aquarium

SWORD Melon - Echinodorus Osiris Rubra - (Hardy, No CO2 Required, No Fertilizers Required)

SWORD Melon - Echinodorus Osiris Rubra - (Hardy, No CO2 Required, No Fertilizers Required)

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Echinodorus Osiris is a popular choice among the sword family. The plant has a rosette growth pattern and has large round leaves. When grown under ideal conditions, such as high light and with CO2 injection, the leaves will develop a beautiful red tint. Due to its size, Echinodorus Osiris is typically grown in the background and will nicely fill any area of the tank. 

Melon Swords are heavy root feeders and should be planted in a rich aquarium substrate, such as UNS ControSoil. Additional root tabs may be added if the plant becomes very larger. Sword plants are hardy and if given time, can adapt to a wide range of growing conditions. It is recommended to trip any damaged or imperfect leaves, as this will promote new leaf growth. Melon Swords will naturally propagate themselves by either dividing at the base or sending out a flower stalk with runners. These divisions and runners can be split and planted separately once mature. 

description and pic courtesy BUCEPLANTS.COM

All plants are grown without Co2 or fertilizers to ensure their hardiness. These hardy, easy-to-care-for plants will make a beautiful addition to any aquascape.

Benefits of Naturally Grown Aquatic Plants:

  • No Co2 Required 
  • No Fertilizer Required
  • Hardy Aquarium Plants
  • Easy to grow
  • Low maintenance
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